Software Components Overview
/Below is a list of links to and brief descriptions of common software components. It's useful to keep these in mind and reference them during software design as a shorthand for code that will be written to implement the design. Implementing a component could involve just a few or many lines of code.
A suggested way to use these components in solving/coding a computing problem is to include them using a Separation of Concerns design pattern folded into what I call Layered Logic Problem Solving that includes these steps:
- Describe in words the problem to be solved. This might include references to software components listed below. You might also include solution acceptance criteria, possibly in the form of formal acceptance tests.
- Draw a block diagram of the main problem solution pieces. For more complex problems, other types of diagrams can be used.
- Annotate the block diagram with references to components such as those below.
- Code the solution in your chosen programming language.
- Client-Server Architecture: components include:
- HTTP Request: indicates the desired action to be performed on an identified resource - actions include:
- Internet Protocol Suite:
- Layers: Application/Transport/Internet/Link
- Levels: Send/Receive, Controls/Routing, Values/Translations
- Firewall: monitor/control of incoming/outgoing traffic
- JSON: JavaScript Object Notation, Human Readable, Attribute-Value Pairs, Java JsonObject
- Load Balancer: distributes workload across computing resources
- Message: data sent across processes
- Network: allows computers to exchange data
- Protocol: Data Formats, Address Formats, Address Mapping, Routing, Error Detection, Acknowledgements, Sequence Control, Flow Control
- REST: Representational State Transfer, Stateless, Client-Server, JSON data
- Socket: endpoint of a connection across a computer network
- Adapter: binds data and views, moves data into a view
- Big O Notation: O(1), O(log (n)), O(n), O(n log(n)), O(n^2)
- Collection: static operations on data objects … search, sort, transform...
- Java Data Structures: Array, List, ArrayList, Vector, Stack, Queue, LinkedList, Set, HashMap, TreeMap
- Comparator: for special sort criteria
- DB: SQL, NoSQL, Couch, Hierarchical
- Dictionary: key/value pairs, hashtable, get( ), put( )/add( ), remove( )
- Document Object Model: convention for interacting with objects in HTML/XML documents
- File System: often use B-Tree data structures:
- Graph Theory: elements include:
- objects/pointers
- adjacency matrix
- adjacency list
- graph travel algorithms
- breadth-first search
- depth-first search
- Irrational Number: a real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers, i.e. as a fraction; therefore, irrational numbers, when written as decimal numbers, do not terminate, nor do they repeat
- Iterator next, previous, …
- Join (SQL): combines records from two or more tables in a relational database
- Logarithms: i.e: 64=2^6 == log2(64)=6
- Pattern Matching: Find patterns in a character sequence; can use Regular Expressions
- Poisson Distribution: a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time and/or space if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event
- Primitives: Java example:
- char: 16-bit unicode
- boolean: true, false
- double: 64-bit floating point
- float: 32-bit floating point
- long: 64-bit signed integer
- int: 32-bit signed integer
- short: 16-bit signed integer
- byte: 8-bit signed
- Rational Number: any number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction p/q of two integers, a numerator p and a non-zero denominator q
- Regular Expressions: special characters include:
- . any char
- ? zero or one occurrences of the preceding element
- * zero or more occurrences of the preceding element
- + one or more occurences of the preceding element
- ^ starting pos
- $ ending pos
- [ ] any char in brackets
- | or
- \ esc
- Relational Database: Data organization based on one or more tables of keys and values
- SCRUD: Search, Create, Read, Update/add, Delete
- Search: algorithm for finding an item within a data group
- Sort: use the sort built into a programming language whenever possible but if a customized sort is needed, here are some examples:
- Bubble: O(n^2) passes over data to move each element up to correct position
- Insertion: O(n^2) one by one element insertion into (usually already sorted) list, not efficient
- Quick: O(n log(n)) Java default, pivot point, greater above, lesser below, repeat until done
- Merge: O(n log(n)) series of lists progressively joined
- Java Collections Sort: Merge Sort, efficient, much less than O(n log(n)), uses intermediate array
- Tensor: multi-dimensional array of data that provides values used to apply changes to target objects
- Trees: root with subtrees, linked nodes
- Binary Tree: each node has <=2 children
- Binary Search Tree: sorted, fast lookup/add/remove, used in file systems
- k-d Tree: k dimensional, space-partitioning, nearest neighbor search
- Red-Black Tree: self-balancing, binary search tree, extra bit per node
- Two’s Complement: high bit determines sign
- Type System:
- static/dynamic: compilation
- strong/weak: changing
Algorithms & Processes
- Algorithm Design: Big O, Design Patterns, Data Structures, Sort, Flow Components
- A* Search: plotting an efficiently traversable path between nodes
- Android App Major Elements: Intent Messaging, Services/Activities/UI, Async Operations, Data/Devices/Sensors, Reference Elements
- Bayes' Theorem: describes the probability of an event, based on conditions that might be related to the event
- Boundary Case: values beyond minimum or maximum
- Buffer: physical memory, temporary
- Callback: code passed for automatic future execution
- Coefficient: a multiplicative factor in some term of a polynomial, a series or any expression; it is usually a number, but in any case does not involve any variable of the expression
- Combinatorics: study of finite or countable discrete structures
- Conditional: if, else, else if
- Convolutional Neural Network: type of feed-forward artificial neural network in which the connectivity pattern between its neurons is inspired by the organization of the animal visual cortex
- Corner Case: outside of normal operating parameters
- Function Model: activities, actions, processes (not using object orientation)
- Dijkstra Algorithm: shortest path between two nodes in a graph
- Dynamic Programming: divide > solve > save > reuse
- Edge Case: very small, very large, too much memory
- Error Handling: exceptions, logging, stack trace, checked exceptions, restarts
- Context/Switching: save/restore state, allow multitasking, threads, interrupts
- Divide and Conquer: multi-branch recursion, used for sorting
- Function: method, subroutine, block
- Greedy Algorithm: Algorithm that makes the locally optimal choice at each stage with the hope of finding a global optimum
- Iteration: for, while, until ...
- Least Squares: approach in regression analysis in which the overall solution minimizes the sum of the squares of the errors made in the results of every single equation
- Matrix Mathematics: the application of mathematical operations to matrices
- Python Matrix Class: many methods for performing operations on matrices
- Monte Carlo Method: algorithm that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results
- Neural Network: highly interconnected layers of nodes and data flows that process machine learning algorithms
- Logistic Regression: regression model where the dependent variable (DV) is categorical
- Rectifier: used to linearize vectors
- Pipeline: first | second | third | nth
- Probability: independent events multiply probabilities, mutually exclusive events add probabilities
- Locks: deadlock, livelock
- Probability Density: or density of a continuous random variable, is a function that describes the relative likelihood for this random variable to take on a given value
- Random Walk: formalization of a path that consists of a succession of random steps
- Recursion: perform action, test for end case, call self
- Regression Analysis: statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables; helps one understand how the typical value of the dependent variable (or 'criterion variable') changes when any one of the independent variables is varied, while the other independent variables are held fixed
- Reflection: examine/change properties during execution
- Stocastic Process: or random process, is a collection of random variables representing the evolution of some system of random values over time
- Switch: case/variable
- Synchronization:
- Processes: handshakes, locks
- Data: multiple copy coherence
- Thread: Android examples of thread handling:
- AsyncTask
- Loader
- Class: object template
- Container: collection of other objects
- Design Patterns: reusable solutions to common software problems
- Object Oriented Design Patterns: reusable solutions to common object oriented software problems
- Generics: specify type or method to operate on objects
- Cloud Computing: internet based computing that provides shared processing resources
- Interface : all abstract methods
- Mutability: mutable, immutable, strong vs. weak
- Objects: variables, data structure or function referenced by an identifier
- OOD: uses inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, encapsulation, other design patterns
- Ajax: groups of technologies for client-side asynchronous web applications
- Android Fragments: UI segmenting, own lifecycle, FragmentManager
- HTML5 Canvas: bitmap, javascript
- CSS: describes the presentation of information
- HTML: head, body, div, script
- Widget: simple, easy to use applicator
- XML: markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents